How to book campsites in Torres del Paine

IMPORTANT UPDATE INFORMATION (Nov. 2021): To all who want to Visit Torres del Paine National Park you may visit the official book site Booking Patagonia at:


There are three different agencies (CONAF, Vertice, Fantástico Sur) that offer campsites and shelters in Torres del Paine National Park. The campsites you need to reserve will depend on your route and budget.

I recommend trying to make reservations at the same time since the three agencies are not connected, which makes it very difficult to coordinate them.

You can either wait and book your campsites in person in Puerto Natales (very limited availability) or book online, alternate between corresponding websites.



  • It’s mandatory to have advance reservations for all the campsites along the W Trek and the O Circuit. Printed vouchers may be required at designated checkpoints on the trail.
  • The O Circuit can only be traveled counterclockwise.

About Author

Mauricio Escalona