
In every ranger stations and gates of the park you will find park rangers that will give you all the information you need and solve your doubts during your stay at this natural reserve.

Remember to ask about the weather and trials conditions before starting any excursion.
You are the main responsible for your safety
*see Park rangers stations (link a-4- Plan your trip/services/Park ranger stations

CONAF Administration Office
It is located at the north bank of Toro Lake in Villa Monzino, there is a bird life lookout and a visitors centre.
The authorizations for climbing the Massif Paine and other mountains from Andes Patagonicos and other special activities are processed in this office.
Tel. +56 61 2 691931

Clinic, paramedics, police
In Villa Monzino is also located the paramedics service, ambulance and clinic
During the high season a Police Station runs also in Villa Monzino

The only public telephone available in the park is in the Administration Office.
During the high season is available from 8.00 to 20.00 and during low season from 8.00 to 18.00.
Its use is only available in emergency case and it is payable in cash and Chilean pesos.
It is not possible to do calls to mobile phones.

Public toilets
There are public toilets in Sarmiento and Laguna Amarga main gates, also in Pudeto, Administration Office and Grey Station.

There is no gas station or benzene available inside the park for cars. It is indispensable that the visitants must obtain enough fuel before coming to the park. The nearest gas station is located in Puerto Natales or Cerro Castillo.